My son is almost 1! I can't even believe it. Just saying that out loud gives me ✨all kinds of feels✨.
This year has been quite the roller coaster (and not just adjusting to having a new baby). Between hospital stays, family drama and my husbands business struggling, it has been hard to know which way is up.
Personally I have been having a hard time finding myself in this new mom role. I haven't quite found the balance between my mom self, teacher self, wife self and my self self. It's a work in progress and I get a little closer every day!
One thing that has really emphasized this new identity crisis is the fact that I am a SAHM (at least for this school year). It has been a great experience to be here for my sons first year, but it has also been a struggle not contributing financially to the family.
I don't know what the future holds as far as work goes. Ideally I would love to teach part time but those jobs are rare. So we will see!
In the meantime....
Guess what!?
While I'm still figuring this all out I have found a way to contribute financially AND tap in to my teacher/creative side! I've launched an Etsy store for teacher clothing products! My husband already has the shirts, the vinyl and the press! It just made sense.
And within 2 days I made my first sale!!
You should check out my store: Teacher Confessions