Showing posts with label currently. Show all posts
Showing posts with label currently. Show all posts

Friday, December 5, 2014

Currently December AKA Insanity

Yes I have lost my mind. That's totally normal for December right!?

I am taking a break from the hustle and bustle that is December to link up with the hilariously talented Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for my favorite linky of all time! I don't know what I would do without this linky. It literally brightens up my day!

Listening: I am watching Oregon seek revenge on Arizona! Those of you who know me, know that I am a HUGE football fan. And this game is for all the marbles in all the universes. If, I mean when, we win we move on to the playoffs and then the championship! My husband and I have tickets to both of those games and I am so so so excited! GO DUCKS!

Loving: Every December I whip out the ol' Reindeer Cam for my kiddos. I have it set up so that it's on the screen when they first come in each morning. They absolutely love it! If you haven't checked it out you totally should. It is really cute and the kids get so excited! Santa even pops out every once in awhile to feed the reindeer and say hello!

Thinking: I've lost my mind. I mean, what else is new? I am at the stage of exhaustion where I become delirious and more crazy than usual. For the past hour I have been singing everything I say/do including this entire post. Narrated in song. You're welcome. My poor husband. But he knew what this was when he married me. 

Wanting: Peppermint. Anything and everything. Tis' the season!

Needing: My to do list this weekend is terrifying. Like impossibly terrifying. On top of readying our house for my mother in law to move in, I also have a million errands to run, a hair appt, I have to bake 8 dozen cookies for my mom's annual cookie bake, finish report cards, create sub plans for next week while I'm out for a math training, etc. etc. etc. A clone would seriously help right now.

Giving: I wanted to take a moment to give a shout out to all of the amazing teachers I have met throughout this blogging experience. I have made some great online friends who I feel like I have known my entire life. You all inspire me so much and I am so grateful to be a part of this amazing community. 

I especially want to give a shout out to a really good friend that I have made in the teaching community. Her name is Allison and you should totally follow her on Instagram (allison_dean). This beautiful lady has been such a huge support system for me while I have been undergoing infertility treatment and I don't know what I would do without her! 

Well, I should probably go to sleep before I get any crazier! But go link up your December currently. 
"Better late than never, but never late is better" or at least that's what Drake told me. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Holy Moly, Is It June Already!?

I can't believe it is already June! Where did this year go!? I only have 9 more days with my kiddos. This year is going to be more bitter sweet than past years because I am changing schools. I'm very sad to leave my kids and my team, but also excited for the change!

How many days do you have left? Or are you already on break!?

Well, as the year comes to an end and I have serious writer's block due to the million things running through my head, I thought it would be fun to link up with Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for Currently June. Since I am new to the blogging world, this is my first time joining the currently link up. But it looked like fun! So here we go!

Listening: My husband and I just recently started Game of Thrones. And by recently, I mean binge watched 2 seasons in a week. Oops. I don't know what took us so long. We've had the first 1 (maybe 2?) seasons on DVD for a couple years now but never got around to watching them. 

Loving: I live in Oregon so sunshine is kind of a big deal. We rarely get it, especially this early in the year! We're lucky if we get it in July. I am soaking up every bit of this that I can! 

Thinking: The last few weeks of school are always such a whirlwind, not that I have to tell you that. Every time I check 1 thing off my to-do list, I add 5 more. I can't seem to shut my brain off these days!

Wanting: As I mentioned above, I am switching schools next year, but haven't been told my exact placement yet. I am hoping to find out this week *fingers crossed*. 

Needing: See above. 

Summer Bucket List: This part is pretty self explanatory!
1. I want to spend as much time out in the sun as possible. Soak up every bit I can. 
2. I want to re-structure my writing program over the summer. I would love to hear how some of you teach writing! 
3. My husband and I are hoping to visit NYC this year. One of our best friends recently moved there and we want to go visit him and check NY off of our travel list. I would also love to see a broadway show while there. :)
4. I didn't have space for this one on the image, but I also want to fill out my TPT store. I have so many items from before that I never posted and several others in progress. It's going to be a busy summer!

Well, back to Game of Thrones. Have a wonderful week! We start our end of school countdown! Tomorrow is Marker Day where we get to do all of our work in markers. So simple, but they love it!